Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Demon

There's a melody in my heart

That I've been yearning to sing

You've caged me long enough

Now let me spread my wings

I'm sick of your rules

I'm tired of your ways

I know I'll be sent for

I'm just counting my days

How can my fellow brethrens

Not see you for who you are?

How can they mistake your glitter

For the radiance of a star?

Your progeny is blind and deaf

Though they may have eyes and ears

They are fooled by the illusion

Their true voice they cannot hear.

You snatch away from them

All they hold close and dear

You numb their minds

With your silent savage spear.

They are unaware of your presence

They know not you exist

In the chalices of their hearts

You grow like a cyst.

I cannot recall when your

false words captured my soul

And gnawed at it unceasingly

Until I failed to feel whole.

How do I follow your kin?

For they themselves are lost

In having trusted you

They are paying a heavy cost.

I'd rather be called insane

Then be as sane as they are

For then I'd be trampled too

A little blossoming flower.

You've done enough damage

I can take no more

Help must be on its way

I prayed from my core.

Once I was naive

But now I know better

In paving my own way

I shall no longer deter.

Your tyrrany can't lost forever

Your day shall also come

Your game shall be busted

You will be undone.

O step away you beast and look

My mother awaits me

In her comforting presence

I shall learn of my destiny.

She will take me to a land

Where I can just Be.

I shall sing my song there

And set myself Free!

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