Sunday, October 16, 2011

Little Sarah

Mama, "when will I be able to read? When will I manage to read it without your or papa's help?", enquired a 5 year old Sara with knitted eyebrows and pouted lips wit her school book in her hands. She was sitting on the marble floor for she loved the sensation produced by the cold marble floor against her skin. She heaved a deep sigh that echoed of her disappointment at not being able to make much sense of the different fonts and signs printed in an organized fashion on the pages before her. To Sarah, the dismay of not being able to read this book splashed with colourful images was as real as the one experienced by an adult upon encountering some random mishap.

Her mom who preffered to kill time or amuse herself with a variety of soap operas was rather engrossed in one to notice her daughter's complaint.She was now surfing through different channels.Sarah fixed her gaze upon her mother for it fascinated her to observe the dance of different colours as they reflected from the tv screen on her mother's iris. To her this little observation was far more interesting than any soap opera she could watch except maybe Heidi but that wasn't a soap opera, it was a cartoon, and a beautiful one at that!  

Little Sara's instinct told her that perhaps her mama was too tired to answer for she would often see her engaged in several household chores and marvelled at the strength and fondness of her mother for the same. The concept of duties was beyond her little mind's comprehension.

She glanced back at the printed pages and picked up her book. She caressed the smooth pages as if it were the hair of some barbie doll and savoured the intoxicating smell of her brand new book.She would later thank her brother for this discovery for if it weren't for him, she wouldn't have figured albeit a little later that the smell of new stationery is no less appealing than that of the scattered flowers she'd pick up from the pavement on her way back home from school.

After having toyed enough with her book she prostrated on the floor for it's coolness was rather inviting. She lay her cheek against the glaced paper. All dismay had washed off her face by now and instead, her lips were curved in a relaxed smile. Moments later, she transported into the world of dreams.She saw something beautiful. She was reading out different stories from a variety of books to a group of animal sitting around her in a circular manner. They were all looking at her in sheer awe. What seemed like a distant dream to her once, was apparently not distant anymore!