Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So, what's your motive?

Hi there! So, what are you doing these days? Job? Studies? A Vocational Course? Taking some training?... in music? - Cool! Learning to play guitar? Oh that's wonderful! Keep going. But may I ask, with your permission, WHY? What do I mean? Well , just that. Why are you doing what you're doing? What direction are you heading in? What if you think you're heading ahead when you're actually retreating backwards? What if where you're going is not where you want to go? Ever thought of that? Think about it. It'll be worth your time and life.

Before beginning anything in life, I believe, its a good idea to look into the motive for doing so in the first place. If the motivation, the reason is strong enough, you almost always have a fair chance of seeing that task/activity through to the end, else, your guess is as good as mine! - you are sure to leave it halfway or half done. The end result acts as a driving force, an incentive for us, for everyone. And don't we all know how well people work once they are promised an incentive for their efforts? That explains why kids are blissfully happy to clean their rooms when promised a hot chocolate fudge in return or why employees cease to waste any time once their hourly wages are increased.

Humans my friend, are interesting creatures. I have often heard people saying "Oh I just did that for fun sake, no particular reason as such". Well, that amuses me .Their reply clearly states the reason - to have fun! (smiles). Try finding such peculiar details about people and I'm sure you'd discover plenty. Heck, I can't help wondering as to how many amusing or intriguing traits do I possess in particular! The number I am sure would be good enough to surprise me! (Winks)

'JLT ' ( ie just like that ) a common jargon - that has become an essential part of the oh-so-cool youth nowadays - sounds okay when used "Just like that!". But sometimes we stand the risk of letting it slip in our lives, in our attitudes. Be cautious. My pal, don't let your life become a JLT affair.

By no means am I trying to say that your entire life should be planned. That, we all know isn't possible, atleast not in this era. In fact, unpredictability to some extent is the spice of life! ;) Spices when had in excess cause an ailment I'd rather not mention (for that'll sound crude). Likewise, life when allowed to become too unpredictable becomes a cause of worry. It then becomes more like a car heading into an abyss. The idea is to atleast have a moderate clue of what you're getting yourself into. This in turn prepares you for any consequences - good or bad whatever the case be. You can then muster the courage to hold yourself accountable for the results. Also it'll keep you from playing the blame game - from cursing your luck / destiny/God / cirumstances/ family / he/she /they/them ... phew - you got the idea!-that is, everyone save yourself.

It's not that I don't believe in God, luck or destiny. These things exist but in sync with a valuable gift endowed upon human - Free Will. It is the ablility to choose, to decide for ourselves based on our faculties of sense and reason. We all have lessons that we decide to learn as souls before we step into our respective lives. However, how we end up learning those lessons is more or less upto our discretion. No one would live our lives for us. That is solely our job. Ultimately, we are the captains of our ships and the sailors of our Destiny.

My friends at times would come to me and voice out their concerns or dilemmas about their respective relationships. Or sometimes would ring me at odd hours in the night! Nopes, I am surely not a counsellor. But I feel that eventually that’s exactly what friends learn to be- for each other. Relationships are just one aspect, there’s a myriad of topics they’d consult one another for. I bet you’ve stepped into the shoes of a counsellor at least once if not many times in your life (Winks). I don’t claim to be an excellent observer but I try. Some situations or questions have puzzled me. For instance I’ve noticed how young couples cling to each other claiming to be struck by the cupid’s arrow, when heart of the hearts they are questioning the stability of their relationship. Stability is a big term by the way – they’d not even know if they like each other enough. Let's say you’re curious and get into an affair with the intention of leaning more about love, relationships, opposite sex – it makes sense. However, if all you’re looking for is a one night stand or just a way to satiate your carnal desires – you better check your motives again. The keyword here is "Motives". For then sorry to be rude, I guess even a dildo would serve the purpose. Why invite unecessary emotional entanglement for yourself as well as for the other guy or girl? And then we wonder how life became such a mess!

There's nothing wrong with learning from your mistakes. Though I feel why make them in the first place if they can be avoided. After all it's your own time and energy that you'll save in the process.But again there are several other factors that need to be considered. What kind of mistakes are you referring to? in what field or situation? What applies to you may not apply to other.

Ultimately it all boils down to one simple conclusion- we all do things for a reason that are better known to us than anyone else. Sometimes we may be aware of them while at other times we aren't. It therefore becomes necessary to pause for a while and observe our actions/ behaviour. Because unless we decide to do so, to check the sub conscious patterns that operate our lives, we're almost certain to continue living on "the autopilot mode". It may be a tempting choice for it offers the path of least resistance but not necessarily a healthy one. That's because in the long run it may actually thwart your progress on the journey of self growth. Besides, who said that treading such a path was easy?! Yet we go for it for when we aren't learning, we are dying! Stagnancy kils our joy. So, some friction is bound to happen! ;) And yet , here's what I'd like to say in the end - "Enjoy the journey anyway, check your motives along the way!"

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